Top 10 List – 2017

My love for the movies only became greater in 2017. Here are my Top 10 Films of 2017. The Academy Award ceremony begins in a half hour, and I prepare to celebrate film—all film—but especially Lady Bird, Call Me By Your Name, and Get Out, films that give me hope, something for which I have been grasping.Continue reading “Top 10 List – 2017”

Moonlight, Get Out, & Colossal back to back help me breathe a bit easier; or, Colossal – A woman makes a decision that does not involve choosing which man will “save” her

The other day I looked at a high school social studies textbook that had the U.S. Capitol on the cover. The sight of the Capitol dome made my eyes well with tears. I know that America was not actually founded on the ideals highlighted in the Declaration of Independence, but that is why they’re ideals.Continue reading “Moonlight, Get Out, & Colossal back to back help me breathe a bit easier; or, Colossal – A woman makes a decision that does not involve choosing which man will “save” her”

Get Out – for the right reasons

At the theater after my initial reflections on the immensely important work of Get Out, directed and written by Jordan Peele, my first thought was that I hope it is popular for the right reasons. While clearly there are people who are aware of what this film means and knowledgeable about why it is–again I use theContinue reading “Get Out – for the right reasons”

Media Critic Mary Dalton

Media Critic Mary Dalton

caffeinated rage

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