Love & Mercy–not your typical biopic

I have seen and loved “typical” biopics. You know—that formula that takes us on quite the ride of the life and loves and losses of an individual, spanning decades. The short montage that represents the years passing just so the movie can settle into the new, exciting time period during which “more stuff happens.” I’veContinue reading “Love & Mercy–not your typical biopic”

What Happened, Miss Simone?–“How can you be an artist and not reflect the times?”

“How can you be an artist and not reflect the times?” “I want to shake people up so bad that when they leave a nightclub where I performed, I just want them to be to pieces.” It isn’t hard to figure out “what happened” to Nina Simone. She was born in North Carolina in 1933 andContinue reading “What Happened, Miss Simone?–“How can you be an artist and not reflect the times?””

I’ll See You in My Dreams (to be “aware both of the attraction of an imaginative dream world without ‘disagreeables’ and the remorseless pressure of the actual”)

John Keats may have died at 25, but he was able to articulate the feelings of mortality better than anyone. What urged him on in his poetic career was the foreboding he felt about life ending too soon. In order to achieve what he believed to be the true poetic task, he allowed himself to feelContinue reading “I’ll See You in My Dreams (to be “aware both of the attraction of an imaginative dream world without ‘disagreeables’ and the remorseless pressure of the actual”)”

Media Critic Mary Dalton

Media Critic Mary Dalton

caffeinated rage

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